Mohamed DAOU

JFC Avocats Bamako

Tel.: +33 6 63 86 55 90
+223 92 52 28 50

. Admitted to the Mali Bar Publishing

. Director of the JFC Avocats Newsletter

Practice Areas:  

  • Business law
  • Corporate
  • Litigation
  • Arbitration
  • Mediation


  • Doctoral Research : university research studies in OHADA business law
  • Legal intern in business law at the law firm SCP E-JURIS BORDEAUX, with Philippe Lemelletier
  • Advice and legal assistance in diverse areas: financing, infrastructure, energy
  • Corporate, financial and auditing experience:

– Law clerk in company law in specialized chartered accounting and auditing groups (Groupe COMPAGNIE FICUCIAIRE Bordeaux, RESEAU EXCO)

– Law clerk in the banking sector at Groupe BNP PARIBAS PERSONAL FINANCE, Neuilly Bordeaux

Professional activities:

  • Publishing Director of the review Jurifis Infos, management and supervision of the JFC Avocats newsletter
  • Analysis of the movement of shares in a public limited company: “The repurchase by the company of its own shares with the aim to cancel them and create new shares” (« Analyse de mouvement de titres dans une société anonyme : le rachat par la société de ses propres actions en vue de leur annulation et création d’actions nouvelles »); research paper published in Brèves de l’IRDAP, 2015
  • Research for Thesis on private investments subject to OHADA law


  • English
  • French